Small Business Loans: 3 Tips to Help You Qualify
A small business loan may be just what you need to obtain the capital necessary to make your dreams become a reality, regardless of whether you are starting a brand-new business or trying to expand your existing business. However, there is a lot more to small business loans than being approved and getting your hands on the money.
The application process can be somewhat complex. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and you need to put together an extensive business plan to show the lender, which should include how you plan on utilizing the money that you receive from the loan. Here are three tips that will help you qualify for the loan.
Know Your Credit Score
You may think that your credit score doesn't matter if you are applying for a loan under your company name; however, your individual credit score will still come into play as you will be financially responsible for the loan, which means that the lender will check your score and history. Prior to sending your application to the lender, you should obtain a free copy of your credit history and score and scan it for any errors, including debts that aren't yours and accounts that you have paid off that are marked as delinquent.
Familiarize Yourself with the Minimum Requirements of the Lender
Every lender has its own set of minimum requirements, such as income. It is important that you are prepared to show proof to the lender that you are able to meet these minimum requirements and that your business will be able to pay the loan off with no issues. In many cases, the latter will require detailed revenue projections, a profit-loss statement, and other necessary documentation.
Draft a Business Plan
Regardless of whether your business is brand new or has been in operation for several years, it is important that you have a comprehensive business plan to show to your lender. This plan will show the lender that you are familiar with the market you will be working in and that you will have the income to cover your company's operating expenses in addition to the loan payments.
If you need financing for your small business, regardless of the reasons, you can turn to a lender in your area for the financing help that you require. However, to ensure that you obtain that financing, make sure that you are thoroughly prepared by following the tips above.